Fort Lauderdale First Party Coverage Insurance Dispute Attorney
An insurance policy is a contract between the policy holder and the insurance company. Each party to the contract has rights and obligations. The obligations of the policyholder include paying premiums on time and giving prompt notice of a claim. The insurance company’s obligations include paying valid claims in full and on time. An initial question any time a claim is presented is often whether the particular claim is covered by the policy. Unfortunately, insurers find many ways to deny or disclaim coverage, leaving the insured out in the cold without receiving the benefit of the insurance he or she has been paying for all these years.
When a dispute arises over whether a particular claim is covered, the attorneys at Geyer Fuxa Tyler conduct a thorough analysis of the situation and provide strong, aggressive representation to make sure the insurance company holds up its end of the bargain it made with you. From our office in Sunrise, we represent clients in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, and throughout Florida. Call 954-990-5251 to speak with one of our Fort Lauderdale first party insurance coverage dispute attorneys.
The process of litigating first party insurance coverage disputes
Insurance policies are lengthy, complicated, and highly technical documents, written in legalese with portions that the average policy holder simply cannot and was never meant to read or understand. With our expertise, we may find that a good faith disagreement exists over whether coverage applies in a particular instance, and that disagreement can usually be resolved through discussions or litigation.
At Geyer Fuxa Tyler, we will analyze your policy, investigate the facts in your case, and determine whether you have a valid policy in force that covers your particular claim. The insurance company may go through this own process and get a differing opinion from its lawyers, and litigation may be necessary to resolve the matter. In some cases, establishing coverage is only the first step, and the insurance company may still dispute liability or damages issues. Our comprehensive insurance law firm can represent you through the entire process to make sure you get the benefits you deserve.
It is fair to expect the insurance company to investigate a claim and satisfy itself that the claim is covered before it pays out. It is reasonable to expect the insurer to investigate the damage, review any accident report, and perhaps even review the policy to see whether the type of injury or damage is included within the terms of the policy. So long as these actions are not taken to avoid paying a valid claim, we can work through the issues with insurance company at the negotiating table or in the courtroom. Where the insurance company tactics are unreasonable, we are equally prepared to hold them accountable for their bad faith insurance practices.
Get Help from Experienced Fort Lauderdale First Party Insurance Coverage Attorneys
If your insurance company is denying coverage of your claim, or if it has canceled or rescinded your policy after you filed a claim, call Geyer Fuxa Tyler in Sunrise at 954-990-5251 for immediate assistance in Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, and throughout Florida.